USB Data Cable manufacturers and suppliers in India

 Shervan Electrionics and Cables Pvt. Ltd. manufacture quality USB Data Cable and suppliers in India - Contact +91 88822 57079 for further more...

Do you know Why local or cheaper USB cables stop working, physically damaged, internal wires bent/broken?

Yes, because of lower quality materials usually made from extremely thin wires. if you keep bend, fold or pull the cable inside wires get break  and remain wires will not get operated.

But we (Shervan Electronics and Cables Pvt. Ltd.) manufacture inhouse copper wire, with a good quality standard USB cables. 

It has minimum lifetime of 15,000 and above cycle of inserting and removing and can't easily worn out.

Types of USB Cables we manufacture - 

USB A to Micro

USB A to C

USB A to Lightning

Cable Type C to C

Cable Type C to Lightning

Cable 2 in 1 (Type-c to C/L)

Cable 3 in 1 (

Cable 4 in 1 (Type-C to C/Lightning, USB to C/Lightning)

Website -


Contact/WhatsApp - +91 8882257079


gamer online said…
good quality standard USB cables
USB Data Cable manufacturers and suppliers in India
Button said…
Cable Type C to 4 in 1
Daimon STRONG said…
Its great to see brand new and shiny finished
Damyon CHARLES said…
Jared Marketing said…
inhouse manufacturer of electronics and cables
good suppliers of electronics and cables

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