Power Strip | Outlet | Extension Cord | Surge Protector

Power Strip | Outlet | Extension Cord | Surge Protector manufacturer in Noida, India Do you know Shervan Electronics and Cables Pvt. Ltd. is a lead electronics and cable manufacturer in India. We manufacture Power Strip | Outlet | Extension Cord | Surge Protector in-house. A top most trusted electronics accessories manufacturer and supplier in India . Power Strip - The power strip is an electrical device that is used to expand the capacity of a number of devices to accommodate the number of sockets where a large number of concentration of appliances are used. It includes a master switch to cut off the power at all of the attached appliances at once to the entire strip. Some of the models include individual switches for each socket to make it more flexible. It also includes indicator lights on the switches to indicate whether the relevant sockets are on or off. Extension Cord - An extension cord includes a length of flexible electrical power cable with a plug on one end...